If you’re serious about transforming your physique and ultimately your life then get at me and let’s get after it together.


Personalized Training Plans

Custom strength training and bodybuilding routines tailored to individual fitness levels and goals, adjusted weekly.

Customized Nutrition Plans

Detailed meal plans based on personal preferences, fitness goals, and dietary needs, ensuring the perfect balance of macros.


Weekly Progress Tracking

Regular check-ins with body measurements, weight, and progress photos to ensure participants are staying on track.

One-on-One Coaching

Access to you via scheduled video calls or messages for personalized advice, motivation, and technique adjustments.

Supplement Guidance

Expert recommendations on supplements for muscle gain, fat loss, and overall wellness, customized for each participant.

Community of bro's

Access to a private community or group where participants can share their progress, ask questions, and stay motivated.


My name is Jonah Clarke, Canadian born and currently living in Canada. I have 18 years of body building experience and just recently began to take part in competition. I never lifted for that purpose, I'm just passionate about my health and physique.

Recently I realized I'm just as passionate or more about seeing results in others and that is why you're reading this now. I'm selective with who I work with because I will be heavily invested in your progress and I expect the same from my clients.